We are pleased to announce that Adventure on Whalebone Island is now available at Coles/Indigo in Powell River, at the Town Centre Mall. Thanks to Sheilah and Kirk for getting it in the system so quickly. I'm looking forward to more trips to Powell River.
It was a long day that started at 4:00 am to catch the ferry to Powell River. I needed to arrive at Kelly Creek Community school by 8:30 for the first of five classroom readings. After that there were readings at Westview Elementary, Henderson Elementary, and James Thomson Elementary. The last reading at James Thomson had about 50 kids, my largest group yet! Thanks to all the teachers, principals, and kids for fitting in to a tight schedule.
![]() After much debate, we've decided to change the cover for Adventure on Whalebone Island. The new cover shows the island and provides more of a sense of mystery and adventure. Thanks to all the kids at Langdale and Madeira Park Elementary who helped pick the new cover. I hope you like it. Books ordered on Amazon will have the new cover, but you may still see copies of the old cover in bookstores until we finish the last print run. The Gibsons library just purchased eight copies of Adventure on Whalebone Island for their spring session of the Tween Book Club. The book club meets once a month to discuss books for kids in grades 5-7. They'll be discussing Adventure on Whalebone Island Feb 22.
http://gibsons.bc.libraries.coop/explore/tween-book-club/ I've been doing lots of school readings lately. A reading to Ms. Hourigan's class at Gibsons Elementary, two readings at Langdale Elementary, and two readings at Madeira Park Elementary. Thanks to all the teachers and kids involved, and thanks to teacher Ann Chow at Langdale for the photo below.
November 2021
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